Thomas Jon Beaty
“Ideas Manifesting in Concrete Form”
Tom Beaty, Principal of Beaty's Building Ventures, is an accomplished Construction Manager with extensive experience in real estate development and construction of diverse programs and projects. For over 25 years, initially as part of large construction and development companies, Tom has been successful in many Owner and Project Management roles. Recent projects include the LAX expansion and LAMP (Landside Access Modernization Program), the Metro-Expo Line Operations and Maintenance Facility, and various retail focused mixed-use properties in Los Angeles and surrounding areas.
Born and raised in Orlando, Florida, young Tom worked with his parents renovating and maintaining the older homes in their modest collection of family real estate properties. During summers Tom also worked for his grandparents at their small-town lumber yard and hardware store. These early experiences helped shape Tom’s love for real estate and construction, and also provided for a college opportunity; earning his Bachelor Degree from University of Florida’s M.E. Rinker’s School of Construction Management with a Minor in Business. Even though Tom’s parents did not graduate college, they instilled the importance of a college education in him and his sisters.
Tom’s family support, great work ethic, and entrepreneurial streak have moved his life forward in dynamic ways. In combination with his fun-loving nature, creative inspirations and gratitude for the backing from friends and family, Tom continues to give back to his community and share his experiences, passions and possibilities with others. Tom has served with several non-profit and fundraising groups and been generous with his time and skills working on and promoting many service projects. The connection of Tom’s ambition with the amazing work BRDG does for first generation students as they transition, aligns perfectly with his intention to help nurture happy, well rounded and productive builders of tomorrow.
Tom loves playing beach volleyball, hiking, ocean kayaking, snowboarding and enjoying the many natural and cultural wonders of Los Angeles, where he and his wife make their home.